july 27th


If I ever come to you with a heavy heart, a broken soul, and a fallen apart world; please remind me of how fragile, erroneous, and awry being human is. How so complex yet so simple, how our world is so so big yet so unnoticeably small. How your life is everything you've ever had and at the exact same time everything you will never get. The slender thread between what is and what is not, what has been and what will never get to be. Remind me how it is never one way or the other but always one way and the other. That it does not only go left or right but everything in between all at the same time. Remind me how when I was laying on my bedroom floor, losing my last thread of sentience, what seemed like the smallest needle point let in the greatest amount of release I've ever felt.


I Caught A Raindrop in My Mouth, by Dalia


Love Is Love (or The Importance of Being in The Friendzone), by Omar