discussion questions - MINOR DETAIL by ADANIA SHIBLI

  • 1. The novel centers around a seemingly insignificant event. Why do you think the author chose to focus on this specific “minor detail” of history? How does it resonate with larger themes?

    2. The novel is divided into two distinct narratives: one set in 1949 and the other in the present day. How does this dual narrative enhance our understanding of the events and their impact? What parallels can be drawn between the past and the present?

    3. The unnamed woman in Ramallah becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth about the girl’s death. What drives her curiosity, and what does her obsession reveal about memory, trauma, and the search for justice?

    4. The woman’s investigation becomes a quest for truth. What obstacles does she face, and what does her journey reveal about the complexities of memory and historical documentation?

    5. The Palestinian experience of dispossession and life under occupation is a central theme. How does the novel portray the persistent difficulty of piecing together a coherent narrative in the face of ongoing erasure and disempowerment?

    6. Explore the power dynamics between the Israeli soldiers and both Palestinian women. How does gender play a role in the violence depicted in the novel?

    7. The events of the first half of the novel are based on a true story. How does knowing this affect your reading of the novel? What emotions does it evoke?

    8. Adania Shibli’s prose is sparse and evocative. How does her use of language contribute to the novel’s impact?

    9. Consider the desert landscape, the sand, and the mirage. How do these elements function symbolically in the novel?

    10. The novel ends with silence. What does this silence signify? How does it resonate with the broader silence surrounding historical atrocities?