discussion questions - of mice and men by john steinbeck

  • 1. Why does George “take so much trouble for another guy”?

    2. What did the men at the ranch think of George and Lenny’s friendship? Was it one they envied?

    3. Were Lenny & George’s dream of owning their own farm really feasible?

    4. Why does Candy feel he should have shot his dog himself?

    5. Can you justify what George did to Lenny at the end of the book?

  • 6. What are your impressions of Crooks the stable-hand?

    7. Did you have sympathy for the characters? Which ones evoked the most? The least?

    8. From the woman in the velvet dress to Curley's wife, female characters play a large part in shaping Lenny and George's destiny. What is the role of women in the text? Why do you think Steinbeck did not give his female characters names?

  • 9. There was lots of foreshadowing in this book -- did that help or hinder the story for you?

    10. What types of conflicts occur in "Of Mice and Men"? Are the conflicts physical, intellectual, or emotional?

    11. Do you think the book should be censored or banned?