discussion questions- men in the sun by ghassan kanafani

  • 1. What do you think about Kanafani’s characterization of Abu Qais, Asa’ad, and Marwan? How was each of them distinctive from the others?

    2. Why did Kanafani choose his main protagonists to be men from three different generations?

    3. “You must believe Saad because he knows more than you, although he is younger than you. All of them know more than you, all of them.” Why does Abu Qais feel this way?

    4. In Marwan’s backstory we see his hateful relationship with his brother Zakaria as well as his father’s abandonment of their family. Do you think this is a realistic depiction of the deterioration of relationships under stressful circumstances?

    5. Do you think Kanafani portrays a loss of morality in people after being forced out of Palestine?

    6. How do you feel about the character of Abul Khaizaran? Do you think he had good intentions towards the men?

    7. At the second border checkpoint Abul Khaizaran is delayed by the border officers’ insistence on discussing meaningless smut. What do you think Kanafani chose this to be the reason behind the tragedy?

    8. After the tragic events at the checkpoint Abul Khaizaran keeps questioning “Why didn’t they knock on the sides of the tank?” How do you interpret this?

    9. Who do you think is the victim in Men in The Sun?

  • 10. Kanafani’s stories are filled with time-jumps and are characterized by a non-linear narrative structure. What did you think of this writing style?

    11. How do you feel about Kanafani’s use of foreshadowing and plot twists? Were you surprised by the events in this story