discussion questions - A Gentlman in Moscow by Amor Towles

1- Do you think that the Count’s sentence was a lucky break, or a worse kind of punishment? How does the Count deal with his sentence emotionally and intellectually?

2- Why do you think he stayed in Moscow rather than leave like some of his family members? How does living in the Metropol shape his view of his country as the years progress?

3- Over the course of Book Two, why does the Count decide to throw himself from the roof of the Metropol? On the verge of doing so, why does the encounter with the old handyman lead him to change his plans?

4- The Count’s life under house arrest is greatly influenced by his relationship with four women: Nina, Marina, Anna, and Sofia. What is the nature of the Count’s relationship with each of these women? How do those relationships differ from his relationship with the members of the Triumvirate—Andrey and Emile?

5- How does the Count’s experience of Time change over the course of the novel and how does it relate to his father’s views as embodied by the twice-tolling clock? What does the novel suggest about the influence of individuals on history and vice versa?

6- Discuss the parallels between the movie "Casablanca" and the plot. Why do you think it is the Count’s favourite film?

7- What is the significance of bread in A Gentleman in Moscow?

8- What did you think of the author’s use of humor in this book? Is it successful, and does it make you more sympathetic to the Count?

9- To what extent is A Gentleman in Moscow a novel of purpose? How does the Count’s sense of purpose manifest itself initially, and how does it evolve as the story unfolds?