• 1. Did you know who Trevor Noah was before reading his memoir? If yes, what did you expect from the book? Did the book live up to your expectations, or not?

    2. Noah begins the book about being thrown from a moving car. Why do you think he chose to begin his narrative with this anecdote?

    3. South Africa's history of apartheid is a backdrop to Noah's childhood. How does he depict the impact of apartheid on his life and the lives of those around him? What did you learn about apartheid that you didn't know before?

    4. Noah describes his relationship with his mother as the core of his upbringing. What aspects of their relationship stand out to you, and how did it influence him as a person?

    5. Trevor Noah's mother is portrayed as a strong and resourceful woman who refused to live inside the boundaries that the world put up for her. How was this illustrated in the book, and how did affect her and Trevor’s lives?

    6. Patricia’s faith is also an extremely important aspect of the book – what impact did her strong and unwavering faith have on her, and Trevor’s lives?

    7. Throughout the book, Trevor Noah reflects on the concept of identity. How does he navigate his identity as a mixed-race child in a country with strict racial classifications? What does he learn about the fluidity of identity?

    8. Trevor Noah discusses language as a powerful tool for bridging divides and connecting with people from different backgrounds. How does his experience with language, particularly his ability to speak multiple languages, shape his worldview and relationships?

    9. Throughout the memoir, Trevor Noah shares stories of hardship, struggle, and resilience. Which moments or events in the book resonated with you the most, and why?

    10. Humor plays a significant role in Trevor Noah's life and storytelling. How does he use humor to navigate the challenges he faces, and what does this reveal about the power of comedy in difficult situations?